Not For Profits
Craine, Thompson & Jones, P.C.
Charitable and Support Organizations
We are happy to provide this specialized audit service in which we can give sound advice for entities of a nonprofit nature. Audit, reporting and grant application processes are often difficult to fully understand. Possessing an established and experienced knowledge base for these types of entities, we are able to guide you through these procedures.
- Volunteer Health and Welfare Organizations.
- United Way Organizations.
- Local EMS and Volunteer Fire Organizations.
- School Support Organizations and Booster Clubs.
- Cost Certification Audits.
- Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Engagements.
- Legal Aid Corporations.
Our goal is to provide the assurance that all necessary compliance and reporting issues have been addressed.
If you are interested in how Craine, Thompson & Jones, P.C. can help you by providing audit services to your non-profit organization please visit the contact page and send us an e-mail with (non-profit) in the subject line or give us a call.